On Tue, 13 Aug 2002, Sean Hamilton wrote:

> Also, forgot to mention, I will need to look inside TCP streams, and know
> which user owns them, and which packets pertain to which TCP stream, which
> is why I was thinking a module would be more suitable. If I did this in user
> space, I'd have to reconstruct the streams myself (but as I understand, that
> isn't amazingly difficult.)

If you do it in user space it's a lot easier to debug.  It can be done, of
course, in both places, but general IO is easy in userspace too (for user
interaction, if you need it).  You can also make such a thing portable in
user space, which is hard to do in the kernel.  The downside is, there's
copies of the data to consider (more work to be done means less time to do
it in), so you might have too much traffic under some conditions,
depending on what you're doing.

Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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