Remember that Hotmail is a part of MSN, and they would have a need for that 
many IP addresses, what with their "Internet content" service.


At 03:48 08/18/2002, Terry Lambert wrote:
>I guess I'll address the most important point that hit home for me
>from that post...
>Examining the headers, it looks like Hotmail has a full class "B"
>(64.4/16); that's surprising.  Why the heck do they have a full
>class B?!?  If you are using load balancers for distribution, then
>you basically need only enough IP addresses to provide publically
>accessible VIPs to the various public services you export as seperate
>entities.  There's no *way* they have 65,534 (subtracting out the
>unusable ones) of those!
>Seems to me, you could do all of Hotmail with well under a class
>C, if that.  You could *probably* do it with a /28, which is the
>smallest BGP routable chunk UUNET supports.
>Does this seem odd to anyone else?  Is Microsoft just an address
>space pig, or what?  Do they consider the IPv4 address space as
>part of the company's valuation when making a purchase decision,
>or is this some legacy thing with Hotmail that no one at InterNIC
>bothered to correct, and they are just "address rich" by chance
>(this seems most likely, to me)?
>Inquiring minds want to know.
>Maybe it's just so that if a host gets RBL'ed or otherwise
>blacklisted, they can switch IPs, and won't have an interruption
>of email service to their customers?  If that's the case, that
>implies the SPAM turnover on those things is on the other of one
>65536th of the time it takes to get off a blacklist.  That would
>imply they are sending an *incredible* amount of SPAM (obviously,
>that assumes a single VIP, which is really unlikely, but it's
>still within an order of magnitude, asuming a LocalDirector or
>other load balancer.
>Anyway, that's what I got from the post...
>-- Terry
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