On Mon, Sep 09, 2002 at 13:34:28 -0400, Charles Peterman wrote:
> FreeBSD 4.5.
> Hitachi DVD-RAM drive
> I have to support writing files to a DVD-RAM in a Windows compatible mode.
> Normally I would treat the thing as a slow HD and read and write at my 
> leisure, but Windows does not play nicely with UFS.  So I came upon the 
> solution of writing an ISO image out to the disk, like so:
> readcd dev=$DVDRAM_SCSI_ID -w f=image.iso.
> Now this works and is portable, but it has an unfortunate side effect. If I 
> attempt to write another image out, I overwrite the existing data.  
> So, there are three possible solutions:
> 1. Move to UDF, (works for me, but management is scared of anything labelled a 
> "kernel change")

FreeBSD's UDF code doesn't have write support yet, I don't think.  You'd
have to use something like mkisofs to make an image and dump it on the

> 2. Figure out some way to get the first sector after the last ISO from the 
> disk, and start writing the new data there.  (I checked camtools and readcd 
> and came up with nothing.)
> 3. Make a new ISO with all of the old and the new data, write that out to 
> disk. (A bit resource intense, but it should work.)
> The question for you is whether I was thorough enough evaluating method 2.  Is 
> there some way to find out the last sector used on a SCSI device from the 
> command line?  If not, is there some way to roll my own?

Check out the -C and -M options for mkisofs.

Also, you don't need to use readcd to write the image.  You can just use
dd.  e.g.:

dd if=image.iso of=/dev/cd0c bs=2k
(you can use seek= to jump forward on the disk, so you don't have to start
from the beginning each time)

Kenneth Merry

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