On Fri, 27 Sep 2002, Roman Neuhauser wrote:

>     yup. or the fact that /usr/share/doc/psd/12.make/paper.ascii.gz
>     documents conditionals in the form #keyword instead of .keyword
>     (that might work, i haven't tried, but shouldn't the tutorial be
>     updated? even if the # forms work they surely look deprecated from
>     the fact that i haven't seen a single use in the system makefiles)

Well, what you ought to use is the make(1) man page, which is reasonably
decent.  The "#" command introducers don't work because "#" is the
comment introducer.

>     hm, i don't think i made myself clear with the previous para. how
>     about this: is the pmake tutorial mentioned above carved in stone or
>     are updates allowed?

That's a political question, and probably should be asked on current.
The answer you're going to get, though, is to go ahead and write up your
changes, and see what kind of a reception they get.  You won't get anyone
to agree to give you permission to make changes until they see what those
changes are.

Chuck Robey         | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   | electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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