> I got a LED and touched it to the positive and negative ends of two 1.5v
> AA batteries in a serial configuration.
> The LED lit up.  I then crimped on pins to the end of the LED wires and
> again tested it with the batteries.  Again, I saw the light.
> I plugged said tinned pins into the 2nd and 25th pinout of a 25 pin port
> (the parallel port): positive lead to the 2 pin, and negative pin to\
>  the the 25 pin.
As far as I remember, there is open collector output
on parallel port, so your wish impossible %-)

Try "-" batteryes to ground, "+" batteries to "+" LED
and "-" LED to data.

And remember - you probably blow up
your port, if not use current restrictor,
usually resistor.

I advice to replace LED with voltmeter
in parallel with 2..5 Kohm resistor instead.

@BABOLO      http://links.ru/

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