On Thu, 7 Nov 2002, Sam wrote:

> On Thursday 07 November 2002 06:37 pm, Terry Lambert wrote:
> > Sam wrote:
> > > I'm writing an application that needs info on the machine cpu
> > > architecture, the cpu class, and the cpu features.
> >
> > Is this a status display (e.g. "About This Computer...") for a human
> > to read?  If not, the entire point of an OS is to hide that information
> > from you, so that you can write code that runs on the OS, instead of
> > writing code that runs only on particular hardware.
> No. If you really need to know, it is for implementing a Windows API call
> on FreeBSD for Wine.
> I'm not interested in getting into a flame war on what a point of an OS
> is, what should be allowed and what should not. But there are _many_
> other legitimate reasons to need that info other than "about this
> computer" display.
> > -- Terry
> Sam

Take a look at MPlayer sources (ports/graphic/mplayer). They got what you
need in TOOLS/cpuinfo.c

Vladimir Kushnir - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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