September-October 2002 Status Report


   Another busy pair of months at the FreeBSD Project have brought
   substantial maturity and feature completeness to the fledgeling
   5.0-CURRENT branch. And just in time too, because by the time you read the
   next status report, we hope that you'll have FreeBSD 5.0 running on your
   desktop! Over the past two months, we've seen an upgrade of sparc64 to
   Tier 1 (Fully Supported) status, integration of a high quality storage
   encryption module, the commit of hardware-accelerated IPsec support, the
   addition of a general-purpose "Device Daemon" to process hardware
   attach/detach events to replace earlier single-purpose and bus-specific
   daemons, the commit of RAIDFrame, and the improved maturity of the
   TrustedBSD work. We've also seen another successful release of the 4.x
   branch, 4.7-RELEASE, which will continue to be the production supported
   platform as 5.X is brought in for landing.

   Over the next two months, the FreeBSD Project will be focussed almost
   entirely on making 5.0 a success: improving system stability and
   performance, as well as increasing the pool of applications that build and
   run on 5.0. The Release Engineering team will have announced the 5.0 code
   freeze, and released DP2 by the time you read this. Following DP2 will be
   a series of Release Candidates (RC's), and then the release itself. If
   you're interested in getting involved in the testing process, please lend
   a hand -- a spare box and a copy of the DP and RC ISOs burnt onto CD will
   make a difference. The normal caveats associated with pre-release versions
   of operating systems apply! You may also be interested in reading the
   Early Adopter's guide produced by the Release Engineering team to help
   determine when a transition from the 4.x branch to the 5.x branch will be
   appropriate for you and your organization.


   Robert Watson, Scott Long

     * Bluetooth stack for FreeBSD (Netgraph implementation)
     * BSDCon 2003
     * C99 & POSIX Conformance Project
     * DEVD Status Report
     * Fast IPsec Status
     * FreeBSD GNOME Project
     * FreeBSD Java Project
     * FreeBSD/MIPS
     * FreeBSD/sparc64 Status Report
     * GBDE - Geom Based Disk Encryption
     * GEOM - generalized block storage manipulation
     * Hardware Crypto Support Status
     * daily SNAPSHOTs project
     * jpman project
     * KDE FreeBSD Project
     * KSE Project Status
     * LibH
     * NEWCARD Status Report
     * OSF DCE 1.1 RPC UUIDs
     * PowerPC Port
     * RAIDFrame for FreeBSD
     * Release Engineering
     * TrustedBSD Project
     * Wireless Networking Status

Bluetooth stack for FreeBSD (Netgraph implementation)


   Contact: Maksim Yevmenkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   I'm very pleased to announce that another engineering release is available
   for download at

   This release features minor bug fixes and new OpenOBEX library port. The
   snapshot includes support for H4 UART and H2 USB transport layers, Host
   Controller Interface (HCI), Link Layer Control and Adaptation Protocol
   (L2CAP) and Bluetooth sockets layer. It also comes with several user space
   utilities that can be used to configure and test Bluetooth devices. Also
   there are several man pages.

   Service Discovery Protocol (SDP) port has been updated to version 0.8.
   (ported from BlueZ-sdp-0.8). Most of the RFCOMM issues have been resolved
   and now rfcommd works with Windows (3COM, Xircom and Widcomm) and Linux

   New supported USB device - EPoX BT-DG02 dongle. Also I have received
   successful report about Mitsumi USB dongle and C413S Bluetooth enabled
   cell phone (L2CAP and SDP works, waiting on RFCOMM report).

   I'm currently working on OBEX server (Push and File Transfer profiles)
   which will be based on OpenOBEX library (included in the snapshot).


BSDCon 2003


   Contact: Gregory Shapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The BSDCon 2003 Program Committee invites you to contribute original and
   innovative papers on topics related to BSD-derived systems and the Open
   Source world. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

     * Embedded BSD application development and deployment
     * Real world experiences using BSD systems
     * Using BSD in a mixed OS environment
     * Comparison with non-BSD operating systems; technical, practical,
       licensing (GPL vs. BSD)
     * Tracking open source development on non-BSD systems
     * BSD on the desktop
     * I/O subsystem and device driver development
     * SMP and kernel threads
     * Kernel enhancements
     * Internet and networking services
     * Security
     * Performance analysis and tuning
     * System administration
     * Future of BSD

   Submissions in the form of extended abstracts are due by April 1, 2003. Be
   sure to review the extended abstract expectations before submitting.
   Selection will be based on the quality of the written submission and
   whether the work is of interest to the community.

   We look forward to receiving your submissions!


C99 & POSIX Conformance Project


   Contact: Mike Barcroft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: FreeBSD-Standards Mailing List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   October 10, 2002 marked the one year anniversary of our project. During
   that time we have made significant advances in FreeBSD's standards
   conformance. FreeBSD 5.0-RELEASE will be the showcase for most of our hard
   work. We hope that our tireless effort has had a positive effect on
   FreeBSD and software vendors that maintain or are considering porting
   their software to FreeBSD.

   On the API front, _Exit(3) (an alias for _exit(2)) was added, sysconf(3)
   was update for POSIX.1-2001, and some of the glob(3) additions were MFC'd.
   The insque(), lsearch(), and remque() family of functions were
   reimplemented and moved to libc from libcompat. Several wide character
   functions were implemented, including all printf() and scanf() variants.
   Finally, support for wide character format types (%C, %S, %lc, %ls) were
   added to printf(3).

   Work on utility conformance continued as getconf(1)'s compliance was
   updated, c99(1) (a new version of c89(1)) was implemented, and cd(1) and
   command(1) changes were MFC'd.

   Almost 20 headers were brought up to conformance with applicable
   standards. Not much work remains to fix conformance issues in the
   remaining standard headers. Work in this area, as well as others, has
   slowed down in preparation for 5.0-RELEASE.


DEVD Status Report

   Contact: Warner Losh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   DEVD has been integrated into FreeBSD current. It was integrated in an
   incomplete state. However, it is useful in the state that it is in for
   doing simple things like running camcontrol rescan when a SCSI pcmcia card
   is inserted, or running /etc/pccard_ether with an ethernet card is
   inserted. The more sophisticated regular expression matching is not yet
   complete. Devd only does actions on device arrival and departure, but does
   not yet do anything with unknown devices. In addition to listening for
   device events, there is some desire to have /dev/devctl also allow for
   some direct control of the device tree.


Fast IPsec Status

   Contact: Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The main goal of this project is to modify the IPsec protocols to use the
   kernel-level crypto subsystem imported from OpenBSD (see elsewhere). A
   secondary goal is to do general performance tuning of the IPsec protocols.

   This work was committed to -current. To configure it for use specify
   options FAST_IPSEC in your system configuration file. At present support
   is limited to IPv4.


FreeBSD GNOME Project


   Contact: Joe Marcus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Maxim Sobolev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Adam Weinberger <>

   These last two months have seen quite a lot of GNOME activity. GNOME has
   started releasing development snapshots of the upcoming GNOME 2.2 desktop.
   FreeBSD porting has begun outside of the main ports tree in the MarcusCom
   CVS repository. If you are interested in testing the new desktop, follow
   the instructions on the aforementioned cvsweb URL, and checkout the
   "ports" module.

   Evolution 1.2 is also close at hand. Ximian has posted its first release
   candidate, 1.1.90, which has been ported to FreeBSD, and is available from
   the MarcusCom CVS repo listed above. As soon as Ximian officially releases
   Evolution 1.2, it will be placed in the FreeBSD ports tree.

   The Mozilla ports have received numerous updates. We are now tracking all
   three released Mozilla versions. The mozilla-vendor port is tracking the
   1.0.x branch, mozilla is tracking 1.1.x, and mozilla-devel is tracking
   1.2.x. The mozilla-devel port now has support for anti-aliased fonts as
   well as a GTK+-2 interface

   Finally, the GNOME team would like to welcome its newest team member, Adam
   Weinberger. Adam has been submitting patches for both GNOME ports as well
   as documentation. Currently, he has been active in the GNOME 2.2 porting
   effort. We are happy to have him.


FreeBSD Java Project


   Contact: Greg Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Since the last status report the BSD Java Porting Team has continued to
   make steady progress. The most exciting news we have is courtesy of our
   newest team member, Alexey Zelkin of FreeBSD committer fame.
     * Thanks to a lot of hard work, primarily by Alexey, the project is very
       close to being able to release our first patch set for the 1.4 JDK.
       Things are reportedly working quite well under -CURRENT, with -STABLE
       support being only marginally behind (thanks in part to the libc_r MFC
       by Max Khon).
     * The project has released another patchset for the 1.2.2 JDK, mainly to
       add support for OpenBSD and for JPDA. Most of the projects energy at
       the moment is focused on 1.3 and 1.4, however we still hope to back
       port relevant fixes if appropriate to 1.2.2.
     * Nate Williams has been hard at work behind the scenes migrating us to
       a new CVS server which has kindly been donated by the FreeBSD
       Foundation. The Project appreciates the continued support of the
       Foundation. Please support them so they can continue to support us and
       other important FreeBSD efforts!



   Contact: Juli Mallett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   A mailing list was created, freebsd-mips, and a Perforce branch was
   created in //depot/projects/mips. Changes which will be necessary to allow
   multiple MIPS (and PowerPC) metaports to exist under one architecture port
   were made, and are being pushed back into the main FreeBSD tree. Some
   preliminary header work has been done, and porting the ARCBIOS interfaces
   to the kernel has begun. The toolchain in tree was updated and modified in
   places to support a FreeBSD/MIPS (Big Endian) target, in the Perforce
   branch. Some early boot code has proven the GDB MIPS simulator to work,
   for at least R3000 code, though whether R3000 will be supported has been
   under discussion. Some initial architectural decisions were also made, to
   steer current work.


FreeBSD/sparc64 Status Report

   Contact: Jake Burkholder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Thomas Moestl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   A lot has happened recently for the sparc64 port. Sysinstall and make
   release work and can be used to build installable snapshots. The gdb5.3
   port now works, and, thanks to Thomas Moestl, kernel crash dumps are
   supported which can be analyzed by gdb. These 2 items are the last things
   considered necessary by the Core team for FreeBSD/sparc64 to be a Tier 1
   architecture, which means that 5.0-RELEASE for sparc64 will be officially
   supported by the release engineering team and by the security officer

   Recently Jake Burkholder has been working on alternate installation
   methods other than bootable iso, including a mini-root filesystem which
   can be written to the swap partition of an existing machine. Thomas Moestl
   has been putting some finishing touches on the release process, ensuring
   that the release documentation can be built properly, and that the port
   readme files can be generated by the release process.

   An experimental iso built with make release is now available on the
   freebsd ftp site and mirrors in
   /pub/FreeBSD/development/sparc64/5.0-20021031-SNAP. It is expected that by
   the middle of November new 5.0-SNAP releases will be available every few
   days for download and for ftp install, cpu power and bandwidth permitting.


GBDE - Geom Based Disk Encryption

   Contact: Poul-Henning Kamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   GBDE has been committed to -current.

   The "Geom Based Disk Encryption" module provides a mechanism for very
   strong encryption of a GEOM "disk". The algorithm has passed informal
   review by a couple of seasoned crypto heavy-weights. Any GEOM device can
   be protected with GBDE, entire physical disks, MBR slices, BSD paritions
   etc etc. Booting from an encrypted partition is not possible however.

   The focus of GBDE is to protect a "cold" disk media. (FreeBSD is not
   equipped well for protecting key material on a running system from being
   compromised.) For a cold media, the only feasible attack on a GBDE
   protected media is guessing the pass-phrase.

   Summary of the GBDE multilevel protection scheme: Up to four separate
   pass-phrases can unlock their own separate copies of the 2048 bit
   masterkey. The master-keys are protected using AES/256/CBC keyed with a
   SHA-2 hash derived from the pass-phrase. A salted MD5 hash over the
   sectoroffset "cherry-picks" which masterkey bytes participate in the MD5
   hash which generates the "kkey" for each particular sector. The kkey
   AES/128/CBC encrypts the PRNG produced single-use key which AES/128/CBC
   encrypts the actual sector data.

   GBDE has features for master-key destruction and pass-phrase invalidation.

   See gbde(4) and gbde(8) for more details.

   This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Poul-Henning Kamp
   and NAI Labs, the Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc.
   under DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the
   DARPA CHATS research program.


GEOM - generalized block storage manipulation


   Contact: Poul-Henning Kamp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The GEOM code is now the default on most (if not all ?) architectures and
   the few remaining issues in libdisk/sysinstall is being hashed out.

   Although we are far from finished developing GEOM, its current feature set
   is a significant step forward for FreeBSD, providing not only immediate
   relief for new architectures (sparc64, ia64 etc) but also because it is
   designed as SMPng code from the start.

   This software was developed for the FreeBSD Project by Poul-Henning Kamp
   and NAI Labs, the Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc.
   under DARPA/SPAWAR contract N66001-01-C-8035 ("CBOSS"), as part of the
   DARPA CHATS research program.


Hardware Crypto Support Status

   Contact: Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The goal of this project is to import the OpenBSD kernel-level crypto
   subsystem. This facility provides kernel- and user-level access to
   hardware crypto devices for the calculation of cryptographic hashes,
   ciphers, and public key operations. The main clients of this facility are
   the kernel RNG (/dev/random), network protocols (e.g. IPsec), and OpenSSL
   (through the /dev/crypto device).

   This work was committed to the -current tree. To configure it for use
   specifiy device crypto in your system configuration file or you can load
   the crypto module. The /dev/crypto device support is brought in with
   device cryptodev or by loading the cryptodev module. Two crypto device
   drivers exist: ubsec for Broadcom-based PCI hardware and hifn for
   Hifn-based PCI hardware.

   Integration of this work into the -stable source tree should be completed
   by the time this report is published.

     ---------------------------------------------------------------------- daily SNAPSHOTs project


   Contact: Makoto Matsushita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Recent 5-current release procedure troubles prevent the project from
   releasing a new snapshots. But 5-current FreeBSD/i386 release is back
   again in late Oct/2002! I have a plan to build daily FreeBSD/sparc64
   snapshots for 5-current. Stay tuned...


jpman project


   Contact: Kazuo Horikawa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   For 4.7-RELEASE, we privately published package ja-man-doc-4.7.tgz which
   consists of man[1256789] entries 10 days after the 4.7-RELEASE release
   date. Man3 update god no progress, as updating other sections busied us.
   We decided to suspend man3 update officially, as we need to spend most of
   our time to catch up with the forthcoming 5.0-RELEASE.


KDE FreeBSD Project


   Contact: Will Andrews <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: KDE-FreeBSD Mailinglist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The KDE/FreeBSD team has been working on two major goals during the last
   two months, Maintenance of the KDE 3.0.x ports and Preparing the upcoming
   KDE 3.1 Release.

   Maintenance KDE 3.0 conducted by Alan Eldrige: September started with the
   Removal of the KDE 2.x Ports from the FreeBSD-Repository. Later Packages
   of KDE 3.0.4 were released and the FreeBSD Ports were updated.

   Preparing for KDE 3.1 conducted by Will Andrews: A lot of effort was spent
   on Improving the Fruitsalad-Build-System. We are now able to create
   packages directly from the KDE CVS.


KSE Project Status

   URL: http://www.freebsd/org/~julian

   Contact: Julian Elischer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: David Xu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Jonathon Mini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Daniel Eischen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The KSE code has now all the basic kernel functionality to start being
   used by the userland. There are still things to be done for testing and

   General system utilities have not yet been changed. e.g. ps and top etc.
   need to know about threads.

   There is quite a lot of code in the kernel that still assumes that there
   is one thread in a process. Signals are not yet handled in the final
   manner (though they are delivered to a random thread in the process :-/ ).

   The system calls and datastructures are now however in place. The test
   program successfully starts several threads that can be scheduled on
   different processors, and closes them down again. The userland is probably
   going to be able to do simple scheduling of pthread threads using KSE by
   the time that this report is published.

   I still need someone to take over the "official" web page since jason
   left. LaTex sure isn't my thing.




   Contact: Antoine Beaupre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: Alexander Langer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Not much since the last status report, except that we now have the repo
   and development web page back online, thanks to the services of John De
   Boskey who freely provided the necessary hardware and bandwidth to host
   the project. We have also ported LibH to GCC 3.x, so that it can compile
   on -CURRENT correctly. This, however, broke tvision, which doesn't compile
   under GCC 3.x, so we moved to rhtvision but this caused linking problems
   so we're stuck with no console front end, for now.

   Work on a Hui rewrite and SWIG bindings stalled. Alex was able to come up
   with a simple patch to make the ports system use LibH's pkg_create script
   to build libh packages, so we're getting closer to a real pkg_create(1)
   drop-in replacement. I rewrote the milestone list to show a bit more
   relevant and encouraging tasks that will be dealt with in order to really
   push LibH forward.


NEWCARD Status Report

   Contact: Warner Losh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Work on newcard continues. A number of bugs have been fixed in the last
   few months. You are now able to load and unload drivers (including the
   bridge) to test changes to pccard and/or cardbus bus code. It is now
   possible to load a driver that has a pccard attachment and have a
   previously inserted card probe and attach. This is also true for CardBus.
   A number of issues remain to be solved before 5.0. However, with the
   integration of devd into the tree nearly all of old functionality of
   OLDCARD is now present in NEWCARD (the biggest remaining parts are power
   control for the sockets, as well as pccardc dumpcis).



   URL: http://www.FreeBSD.ORG/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/src/lib/libc/uuid

   Contact: Marcel Moolenaar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) are 128 bit values that may be
   generated independently on seperate nodes (hosts), which, result in
   globally unique strings. UUIDs are also known as Globally Unique
   Identifiers (GUIDs). The UUID support for FreeBSD (libc) conforms to the
   DCE 1.1 RPC specification.

   UUID suport has been added to FreeBSD -CURRENT, and will be available in
   version 5.0. It is being extensively used in GPT partition handling for
   IA-64 platform. For now, a simple manual page has been provided, which
   outlines information about the provided uuid routines. The following
   things are in the pipeline:

     * Man Page Reorganization.
     * Documentation of quirks (e.g. subst. for rpc_string_free() etc).
     * Chapter for developers-handbook and/or article.
     * Enhance uuidgen(1) by adding beneficial options found on other OSes
       (e.g. HP-UX):

               -o filename        - Write output to filename instead of stdout,
               -i                - Emit as IDL file template,
               -s                - Emit as C struct initializer,
               -c uuid                - Use supplied UUID to emit output; do not
               generate a new UUID.

     * UUID support for NetBSD/OpenBSD. Userland and Kernel.


PowerPC Port

   Contact: Peter Grehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The PowerPC port has been running diskless on NewWorld G3/G4 machines for
   a while now. A GEOM module to support Apple Partition Maps is being
   written. There should be an installable ISO image available in the near


RAIDFrame for FreeBSD


   Contact: Scott Long <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   RAIDFrame was imported into FreeBSD-current in late October, a major
   milestone after 18 months. It is still very experimental and not suitable
   for production environments. The website contains a lengthy TODO list
   which I hope to start attending to soon. Still, I encourage everyone to
   try it out and report bugs back to me.


Release Engineering


   Contact: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The Release Engineering (RE) team completed and released FreeBSD 4.7 on 10
   October 2002. This release features updates for a number of contributed
   software programs in the base system, as well as all of the security and
   bug fixes from FreeBSD 4.6.2. The next release in the 4.X series will be
   FreeBSD 4.8, which has a scheduled release date of 1 February 2003.

   Before that time, however, will be the release of FreeBSD 5.0. Thus far,
   we have not been able to release the 5.0-DP2 developer snapshot due to
   various stability issues. Thanks to much effort from many of our fellow
   developers, we believe that most of these have been resolved. The RE team
   wishes to emphasize that FreeBSD 5.0 will involve new code and features
   that have not seen widespread testing, and that more conservative users
   may wish to continue to track the 4.X series for the near-term future. To
   provide more information on these issues, we have added an Early Adopter's
   Guide to the release documentation for 5.0.

   Brian Somers has resigned from the RE team due to increased time
   pressures. We thank him for all of his help with FreeBSD 4.5, 4.6, 4.6.2,
   and 4.7, and we hope to continue working with him as a fellow developer.

   Scott Long has graciously offered to help improve the communication
   between the RE team and the rest of the developer community. We greatly
   appreciate his assistance.


TrustedBSD Project


   Contact: Robert Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Contact: TrustedBSD Discussion Mailing List

   Most progress on TrustedBSD over the last two months related to improving
   the maturity of the ACL and MAC implementations, and merging new aspects
   of those features into the primary FreeBSD CVS Repository for inclusion in
   FreeBSD 5.0. This included fixes to run better on sparc64, improved tuning
   of what system objects are mediated, locking fixes and optimizations
   especially relating to the vnode and pipe implementations, improved
   support for MAC labeling on symlinks, support for asynchronous process
   label changes as required in some locking situations, remove use of
   "temporary labels" and prefer use of object type specific labels reducing
   redundant and/or confusing label management code in policies, improve
   avoidance of memory allocation in M_NOWAIT scenarios for socket allocation
   in the syncache, mediation of link operations, race condition fixes for
   devfs involving label creation, improve handling of VM events such as
   mmaping, improve mediation of socket send/receive events (as distinguished
   from socket transmit/deliver events), support for manipulating EAs on
   symlinks using new system calls, support for MNT_ACLS and MNT_MULTILABEL
   flags at mount time, as well as FS_ACLS and FS_MULTILABEL superblock flags
   to key useful defaults using tunefs, correction of a memory leak in the
   UFS ACL code, enable UFS ACL support by default in GENERIC, mediation
   points for file creation, deletion, and rename, support for a mac_execve()
   execution interface in the style of SELinux's execve_secure() permitting a
   label transition request as part of the exec operation for policies that
   support it, more consistent handling of NFS lookups, support for labeling
   of multicast encapsulated packets, ATM packet labeling, FDDI packet
   labeling, STF packet labeling, revised label interface that avoids
   userland parsing of per-policy elements, reducing us to a single instance
   of parsing and printing for each policy (and further abstracting policy
   implementation details from the library code).

   Also, change to single-level sockets for Biba and MLS policies, support
   for partial label updates for Biba and MLS, addition of mac.9 man page,
   revised user API system calls, implementation of mac_get_pid(), and
   various other related bits, creation of mac.conf(5) to specify label
   defaults, checks for various system operations including swapon(),
   settime(), and sysctl(), reboot(), acct(), introduction of command line
   utilities for maintaining file and process labels, support for user labels
   tied to login class, su support for label changes, ifconfig support for
   interface labels, ps support for process labels, ls support for file
   labels, ftpd support for login labels, development of the Biba and MLS
   notions of privilege, and a move to C99 sparse structure initialization,
   restoring full type checking for policy entry points.


Wireless Networking Status

   Contact: Sam Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   The goal of this project is to improve the wireless networking support in
   the system. The initial work will incorporate the 802.11 link layer done
   by Atsushi Onoe for NetBSD. This core support code implements the basic
   802.11 protocols required for Station and AP operation in BSS, IBSS, and
   Ad Hoc modes of operation. Wireless device drivers will then be revised to
   use this common code instead of their private implementations.

   Following this initial stage the wireless networking support will be
   extended to support functionality needed for workgroup, enterprise, and
   metropolitan (e.g. mesh) networking environments. This will include full
   power management support, the 802.1D spanning tree protocol for running
   multiple AP's in a bridged configuration, QoS support, and enhanced
   security protocols (LEAP, AES, EAP). Support for new hardware devices is
   also planned.

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