On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 10:04:06AM +0100, Marco Molteni wrote:
> Hi,
> as you might know, both kde (via kio-fish) and gnome (via gnome virtual
> file system) provide a userland filesystem-like API that allows to "mount" a
> remote filesystem using ssh. What I don't like about those solutions is
> that they require the application to use a particular API (kio slave or
> gnome vfs).
> Another approach, that provides a real filesystem interface, is the
> Linux Userspace File System.
> Quoting from http://lufs.sourceforge.net/lufs/intro.html:
>     LUFS is a hybrid userspace filesystem framework supporting an indefinite
>     number of filesystems transparently for any application. It consists of
>     a kernel module and an userspace daemon. Basically it delegates most of
>     the VFS calls to a specialized daemon which handles them.
> Now the question: if I wanted to do something similar for FreeBSD, how
> would I do it? Any high-level hints?

Take a look at mount_portal(8).


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