David Hunt wrote:

> I have been using Linux (Slackware) for a number of years on my
> desktop, and have never used BSD. From what I've gathered, BSD sounds
> like the kind of OS I would like.
> I Now need to get a laptop, and have been thinking of getting a new
> Mac Ibook, but OS 10 seems to lack some important features I
> want/need, like virtual terminals, things I have grown quite used to.
> Would BSD be a good choice for the iBook as the third OS (along with
> OS9 and OS10)?
> How much can BSD share things like utilities and config files with
> OS10? Is there any special compatability due to the OSs being similar
> in some ways?
> How should I plan my BSD intallation? Any special advantage of having
> BSD on a Mac with OS10, as compared to Linux Slackware?
> --
> David Hunt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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This brings up an interesting question. Apple makes all sorts
of noises about BSD being the basis of the MAC. If I get the
bucks I may switch to a MAC. My question is how much of
the BSD operating system can one get access to on a MAC
running OS X? Has anyone done even simple things like
started up cron jobs and the like to do housekeeping? Most of
the MAC users I know, know BSD is there but haven't done
much with it. IN fact there are noises one can't get at all the
internals and the like. Does anyone have any details about
all of this stuff. I know this is kind of general question to post
on this list. But so far even lurking this list is often where real
questions often get answered. Any pointers would be appreciated.

Have Fun,
Sends Steve

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