Here is some boot loader forth code for your amusement.  It's
written for pxeboot, and is only usable if is set.

perhost.4th implements per-host forth files (loader.HOST.rc) and
configuration files (loader.HOST.conf).  I'm not really sure the
code is correct.  It works, but some questions remain:

- Are there reasons not to redefine "start"?
- Am I doing exception handling correctly?
- Should I call "any_conf_read?" like I do now, twice?
- Why is there "also" after "only forth" in the last line?

passwd.4th implements a simple per-host password file.  I didn't
have the nerve to implement MD5 crypt(3) in forth, though, so the
passwords are cleartext (as check-password accepts them).


Never let your schooling interfere with your education.
.( perhost.4th version 0: )

vocabulary perhost-functions
only forth also support-functions also perhost-functions definitions

string perhost-hostname

: include_command s" include " ;
: prefix          s" /boot/loader." ;
: rc_suffix       s" .rc" ;
: conf_suffix     s" .conf" ;

: s@  ( string -- addr len )   dup .addr @ swap .len @ ;
: s!  ( addr len string -- )   tuck .len ! .addr ! ;

  s"" getenv dup -1 = if
    drop 0 0
  then perhost-hostname s!
; execute

perhost-hostname s@ type cr

: perhost_rc_name  ( -- addr len )
  include_command nip
  prefix nip
  rc_suffix nip
  perhost-hostname .len @ + + +
  allocate if out_of_memory throw then
  include_command strcat
  prefix strcat
  perhost-hostname s@ strcat
  rc_suffix strcat

: load_perhost_rc
  over -rot
  ['] evaluate catch if 2drop then
  free if free_error throw then

: perhost_conf_name  ( -- addr len )
  prefix nip
  conf_suffix nip
  perhost-hostname .len @ + +
  allocate if out_of_memory throw then
  prefix strcat
  perhost-hostname s@ strcat
  conf_suffix strcat

: load_perhost_conf
  over -rot
  ['] load_conf catch
  free if free_error throw then


only forth definitions also support-functions also perhost-functions

: start  ( -- )
  s" /boot/defaults/loader.conf" initialize
  any_conf_read? if
    false to any_conf_read?
    any_conf_read? if

only forth also
\ /boot/passwd.4th
\ FORTH word load-password-file for FreeBSD's pxeboot(8).

\ Copyright (c) 2002
\       The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  All rights reserved.

\ By Vadim Vygonets for the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
\ School of Engineering and Computer Science, System Group.
\ Date: 2002-12-22

\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
\ \ \ WTF?
\ This file provides the FORTH word load-password-file which
\ reads the file /boot/loader.passwd and sets the variable
\ password according to the DHCP host name.  Normally, if this
\ variable is set, if the FORTH word 'autoboot' returns (e.g., if
\ the user interrupts the boot process by pressing a key at the
\ countdown that the boot loader presents before running the
\ loaded kernel), the boot loader asks for the password before
\ dropping into the prompt.
\ It's usable in an environment where several machines are
\ network booted over PXE into FreeBSD using the same NFS root
\ partition, and of these machines some need different boot
\ loader passwords, and some need no password.  (One normally
\ needs no boot loader password in a protected environment, but I
\ wouldn't dare to put a machine without a boot loader password
\ in a publicly accessible lab.)
\ The passwords are per machine.  There may be a default password
\ set in /boot/loader.conf(5), in which case it's still possible
\ to leave some machines without password protection by setting
\ empty passwords for them.
\ \ \ THE FORMAT OF /boot/loader.passwd
\ Each line can be either an empty line (no whitespace allowed),
\ a comment line starting with a '#' character (no whitespace
\ before '#' allowed), or a password entry.  A password entry is
\ a line of the format:
\       hostname:password
\ where:
\     - 'hostname' is a valid hostname consisting of letters,
\       digits, hyphens and dots (no further validity checks are
\       performed).  It should be the hostname as given by the
\       DHCP server and presented by the loader(8) as environment
\       variable "".
\     - ':' is a colon character.
\     - 'password' is a cleartext (sorry) password consisting of
\       zero or more characters from 0x20 to 0x7E (printable
\       ASCII).  An empty password means no password for this
\       host.
\ No whitespace is allowed anywhere on such line except in
\ password.  If more than one password entry exists for the same
\ hostname, the latest of them wins.
\ \ \ USAGE:
\ This file should be loaded from /boot/loader.rc using 'include'.
\ /boot/support.4th must be loaded before this file.  However, a
\ default password may be set in loader.conf(8), which means that
\ it's better to run load-password-file after loader.conf has
\ been read (i.e., after the word 'start' in /boot/loader.rc).
\ We use the following loader.rc:
\       include /boot/loader.4th
\       include /boot/passwd.4th
\       start
\       load-password-file
\       check-password
\ Note that the word check-password tries to autoboot, and only
\ if autoboot fails it asks for the password.
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \

.( passwd.4th version 0 )

\ Private definitions

vocabulary passwd-functions
only forth also support-functions also passwd-functions definitions

: passwd_file_name s" /boot/loader.passwd" ;

\ String support functions

\ String load and store
: s@  ( string -- addr len )   dup .addr @ swap .len @ ;
: s!  ( addr len string -- )   tuck .len ! .addr ! ;

\ Char tolower
: tolower  ( char -- char' )
  dup  [char] A >=
  over [char] Z <=
  and if 32 + then

\ In-place string tolower
: strtolower  ( addr len -- )
  0 ?do
    dup c@ tolower over c!

0 [if]  \ I forgot about "compare" when I wrote this.
\ String comparition for equality
: strequ  ( addr len addr' len' -- equal? )
  rot over <> if ( len != len' )
    drop 2drop 0 exit
  then                  \ addr addr' len'
  >r 1 -rot r>          \ 1 addr addr' len'
  0 ?do
    over c@ over c@ <> if
      rot drop 0 -rot   \ 0 addr addr'
    char+ swap char+    \ Doesn't matter which one is which.

\ Our hostname variable

string hostname

  s"" getenv dup -1 = if
    drop 0 0
    strdup 2dup strtolower
  then hostname s!
; execute

\ Parser data temporary storage

string hostname_buffer
string password_buffer

\ Password file parser:
\ <line> ::= <hostname>':'<password> |
\            [<comment>]
\ <hostname> ::= {letter|digit|'-'|'.'}+
\ <password> ::= {<passwd-charset>}
\ <passwd-charset> ::= ASCII 32 to 126
\ <comment> ::= '#'{<anything>}

: colon?
  line_pointer c@ [char] : =

: hyphen?
  line_pointer c@ [char] - =

: valid_in_hostname?
  letter? digit? hyphen? dot? or or or

: printable?
  line_pointer c@
  dup bl >=
  swap [char] ~ <= and

: parse_whatever  ( 'function -- addr len )
  line_pointer swap
    dup execute
    end_of_line? if
      drop line_pointer over -
  drop line_pointer over -

: parse_hostname  ( -- addr len )
  ['] valid_in_hostname? parse_whatever

: read_hostname
  2dup strtolower
  hostname_buffer s!

: parse_passwd  ( -- addr len )
  ['] printable? parse_whatever

: read_passwd
  password_buffer s!

: p_passwd
  end_of_line? 0= if syntax_error throw then
  ['] comment to parsing_function

: colon_sign
  colon? 0= if syntax_error throw then
  ['] p_passwd to parsing_function

: p_hostname
  ['] colon_sign to parsing_function

: start_passwd_entry
  comment?           if ['] comment    to parsing_function exit then
  valid_in_hostname? if ['] p_hostname to parsing_function exit then
  syntax_error throw

: get_passwd_entry
\  line_buffer .addr @ line_buffer .len @ + to end_of_line
\  line_buffer .addr @ to line_pointer
  line_buffer s@ over to line_pointer + to end_of_line
  ['] start_passwd_entry to parsing_function
    end_of_line? 0=
    parsing_function execute
  parsing_function ['] start_passwd_entry <>
  parsing_function ['] p_passwd <>
  parsing_function ['] comment <>
  and and if syntax_error throw then

\ Process line

: process_passwd_entry
  hostname s@ hostname_buffer s@ compare 0= if
    password .addr @ ?dup if free if free_error throw then then
    password_buffer s@
    dup if strdup then
    password s!

: free_passwd_buffers
  line_buffer     .addr @ dup if free then
  hostname_buffer .addr @ dup if free then
  password_buffer .addr @ dup if free then
  or or if free_error throw then

: reset_passwd_buffers
  0 0 hostname_buffer s!
  0 0 password_buffer s!

\ File processing

: process_passwd_file
    end_of_file? 0=
    ['] process_passwd_entry catch
    ['] free_passwd_buffers catch
    swap throw throw

: process_passwd_file  ( addr len -- )
  0 to end_of_file?
  0 to read_buffer_ptr
  over swap fopen
  swap free-memory
  dup -1 = if
  open_error throw then
  fd !
  ['] process_passwd_file catch
  fd @ fclose

: process_passwd_errors
  ?dup 0= if exit then
  -rot 2drop
  bell emit cr
  bell emit cr
  ." *** Error " dup . ." while reading password file " print_current_file cr
  dup syntax_error  = if ." *** Syntax error" cr then
\ dup set_error     = if ." *** Bad definition" cr then
  dup read_error    = if ." *** Error reading file" cr then
  dup open_error    = if ." *** Unable to open file" cr then
  dup free_error    = if ." *** Fatal error freeing memory" cr then
  dup out_of_memory = if ." *** Out of memory" cr then
  drop ( exception code )
  \ XXX -- Maybe I should make the text below configurable?
  ." >>> Please contact the system group:" cr
  ." >>> e-mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  phone: 85690" cr
  ." *** Press any key to reboot: "
  cr ." --- "
\ 0 reboot

only forth definitions also support-functions also passwd-functions

: load-password-file
  passwd_file_name set_current_file_name
  ['] process_passwd_file catch

\ Return to strict forth vocabulary

only forth also

.( loaded.) cr

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