First, many thanks to Marcin.

On Sun, 5 Jan 2003, Rahul Siddharthan wrote:

> Marcin Dalecki wrote:
> > Here is my first cut at support for the Synaptics touchpads, which are
> > commonly used on notebooks. Contrary to the default "Windows
> > installation mode" those devices come up at boot, this is enabling
> > full support for all buttons present on the device and works nicely
> > with moused together.
> I just tried it.  Couple of issues:

Me too.

> 1. The "speed" of the pointer on the screen is way faster now.  I
> corrected that with some XF86Config options.

Easy enough to fix with scaling.  To me the pointer also feels
slightly "detached" or lagging, as if attached to my finger with a
rubberband...  Some kind of filtering, or an artifact from the
absolute->relative conversion, perhaps.  Oh, well, it works well enough.

> 2. The pad has 4 buttons; left and right work as before.  In between,
> there are a small up and down button.  Now the up button acts as the
> middle button (button 3?) -- ie I can paste with it.  The down button
> still does nothing.  I tried playing with the moused parameters and
> the XF86Config ZAxisMapping settings, to no avail.
> 3. Earlier, tapping on the touchpad would emulate a left click.  It
> no longer does anything (not sure whether that's good or bad).

I used to hate tapping, but now when it is gone, I can't decide
whether I want it or not :-)

A look in the specs show that tap processing has to be done entirely
in software when the touchpad is in this mode, i.e. not just a matter
of twiddling a bit.

> What I'd like is to emulate 3 buttons with simultaneous left-right
> clicking, as before; have the "up" button behave like scrolling a
> mousewheel up; and have the "down" button behave like scrolling a
> mousewheel down.  I thought the
>   Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
> in XF86Config, and
>   moused -m 4=3 -m 5=4
> would do it.  But no luck (though the above moused options do stop the
> up button from acting like a middle button).
> Any ideas, anyone?

I just made it work (-current, XFree86 4.2.1).  Like this:

The buttons are 1/3 (left/right) and 4/2 (up/down).  Looks like moused
is incapable of both mapping physical button 2 to something and at the
same time emulating a middle button as left+right (with the -3 flag).

But the following works in X:

 * Make moused map up/down into buttons 4/5:

     moused -m 4=2 -m 5=4 -p /dev/psm0 -t auto

 * Make X do the rest.  From XF86Config (for XFree 4.2):

   Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier  "Mouse0"
        Driver      "mouse"
        Option      "Protocol" "Auto"
        Option      "Device" "/dev/sysmouse"
        Option      "Resolution" "100"
        Option      "Emulate3Buttons"
        Option      "Buttons" "5"

   This makes X handle emulation of the middle button.  Hmm... looks
   like there already is a default ZAxisMapping.  If you have
   problems, try adding

        Option   "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"

Now I have to decide whether I want this, or if I want a real middle
button.  Decisions, decisions...


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