re filesystems indexing by content, etc:

 > ... anyone working on a new file system metaphor? ...
 > ... universal indexing system ... *any* file of *any*
 > type in *any* location...

 Apologies (... by gum, we walked through feet, nay yards of snow...)

*  The very 1st issue of "The Computer Journal" in April 1958
has an article relevant to this:

 "Automatic retrieval of recorded information", Fairthorn:

* You might find "Semantic File Systems", Gifford, et al., of interest:

 and anthing else calling itself a "semantic filesystem":

* For one place to start, look up Gerard Salton and
related work.  If you can find it, see his book:
"Automatic Text Processing: The Transformation,
Analysis, and Retrieval of Information by Computer",
Addison-Wesley, 1989.  See also his SMART system
(System for the Mechanical Analysis and Retrieval of

* Follow to journals such as JASIS, work in automatic
indexing, "digital library", and "information science":

* This is all early work, there's been a lot
lately, what with neural nets, etc.. Areas such
as this, which have a feel of "subjective quality",
often seem much harder to get right than one would
like.  Also, overhead is inevitably high, and
seems to always grow higher than "feels right".
So these systems become external-to-the-os databases.
If in the OS, all too often it's like having a
very non-deterministic database at the heart of
your OS - not good. Maybe yours will be better!
... Perhaps you could extend "locate" ("man locate")?
 Salton G., "Automatic Text Analysis", Science, 1970, 168(3929):335-342.

 - bruce

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