On 10-Jan-2003 Dave Evans wrote:
> My current installation is this:
> ad0s3a  /                              500MB
> ad0s3e  <alternative boot partition>   500MB
> ad0s3b <swap>                         2000MB
> ad0s3f /mountpoint1                   5000MB
> ad0s3g /mountpoint2                  10000MB
> ad0s3h /mountpoint3                  40000MB
> I have -Current on ad0s3a and 4.0 or 4.7 on ad0s3e. Both partitions are
> below the 1024 cyl limit, which is why ad0s3e appears before ad0s3b. 
> I now want to install 5.0-DP2 on ad0s3e so that I can test it for a
> while. I have the cdrom and have created boot floppies. I've booted the
> floppy and selected "upgrade existing installation", but it won't let me
> define the current ad0s3b partition as swap in the disklabel editor. It
> refuses to proceed unless there is a swap partition. Surely I don't have
> to delete the existing partitions and recreate them? What is the secret
> of defining a swap partition?

This is a known bug that I'm about to commit a fix for.  It should be
fixed in 5.0-release.


John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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