
For a long time I'v been disapointed with features in ports system. No ports
conflicts checking and other stuff.
Last year I'v begun make some things - I'v found obsoleted bin/13649 and
ports/13650 PRs that introduce a ports conflics checking, I'v asked in
freebsd-ports and portmgr about this patches fortune. I'v got an answer from
portmgr: "it's good features and could I adapt this patches for current
bsd.port.mk and pkg_tools?"
I'v spend a weekend for rewriting patches (many changes really was done) and
send it as followup to the PRs.
It was 1 December 2002. Till now there is no reactions.
I'v wrote a few mails to portmgr but I'v just ignored.

Now I decide to make a new my own PRs: bin/47145 and ports/47156.
Is there a chance somebody look on it and commit it?
I'v got more ideas about improvement of bsd.ports.mk.
Is interesting my patches to team?
May be I'v just spend a time for nothing?
I'd like to hear some reaction somebody of team. Comments, advises or so.
Who can I talk about bsd.ports.mk improvements?


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