Yury Tarasievich wrote:
> Narvi wrote:
> >If only Joe-Bob or some other very limited set of people have the
> >card, then the severity of the bug in the *FreeBSD* bug database
> >should probably not be 5 - orherwise the database will contain a
> >large amount of bugs that claim to be of high severity but only
> >ever affect negliblme amounts of pevple
> I'd say there is *no* such thing as "negligible amount of people" in
> FreeBSD community. In Windows community, perhaps. Not here. Remember we
> aren't yet talking millions of installations and must-setup thing. No
> negligible (discardable) amount of people, then. Please.

I understand your point, by my example implied "one person who can't
program well enough to fix it themselves, and who has a one of a
kind oddball variation on a standard card, which could be taken
ito account by the driver, with code specific to that one card in
all of human controlled space".

It's the degenerate border case.  I didn't expect Joe-Bob to be
supported, unless he did something like spend enough on postage
to send the card itself, along with documentation, to someone
who cared enough about their personal relationship with Joe-Bob,
and/or evangelizing FreeBSD, to do the work.  With that much
postage, and that much desire to help out, there are three real

1)      Joe-Bob can spend the postage on a new card instead

2)      The samaritan can buy a new card, and replace Joe-Bob's
        prototype card's guts, and just not tell him (what
        Joe-Bob doesn't know, won't hurt him).

3)      The samaritan can actually do the changes, and fight the
        uphill battle to get the code committed to FreeBSD proper

These also happen to be the order in which I would consider
addressing the problem... ;^).

-- Terry

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