On Sun, 26 Jan 2003, Sam Tannous wrote:

> I have two freebsd boxes (back to back) and I've
> been playing with a simple server on one machine
> and client on the other machine (this was simply
> an exercise with playing with kqueue).  Both the
> server and the client are single processes and the
> client seems to stop at 32,763 connections.
> I've modified the port range, tcp keepalive,
> kern.ipc.somaxconn, maxfiles, maxsockets, nmbclusters.
> I even tried net.inet.tcp.tcbhashsize (up to 1024).
> Is there some other parameter I'm missing?  Or is this
> a known limitation/bug?
> --Sam

Look more closely at the net.inet.ip.portrange.* sysctl values, you should
be able to make the range as large as 1024 to 65535.  At present, FreeBSD
uses an overly simple hash table which only allows each outgoing port to
be used once.  As a result, the number of outgoing connections is
definitely limited.  However, there should be no similar limitation on
incoming connections, other than memory size.  You might consider setting
up more clients and seeing how far you can push the server. :)

Also, disabling keepalives shouldn't matter, they don't take up any
additional space except for during the period when they are actually sent.
(Which would require 2 hours of idle time.)

Mike "Silby" Silbersack

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