These messages aren't from the *real* Matt Dillon, they're from a stupid
troll who has been impersonating various FreeBSD developers for a few months
now.  This particular troll uses anonymous remailers so the postmaster is
helpless to block email addresses or IP ranges.

So, if the message looks like a fake, sounds like a fake, and is littered
with profanities (such as the F*ck Fumerola Licence), then please assume
this is the voice of the troll and is best ignored.

Matt Emmerton

> Sorry folks,
> I don't know, who this mathew dillon guy really is, or how important he is
> for the FreeBSD project, but I don't think, he should be on any of the
> freebsd mailing lists or any related facilities, if he just can't keep
> with some of the most basic rules of communication. It may be "adequate"
> or something like normal in irc channels or even usenet groups - although
> it should not - to behave this childish way, but I think at least on the
> freebsd mailing lists, there should be a little standard of etiquette or
> what it's called.
> I know I am not the first one thinking this way, the replies will probably
> be the same as every time before.
> Please accept my apologizes if I should hit the wrong person, but someone
> really does not behave in a acceptable way here and I just wanted to
> complain about it, to let people know, that freebsd-* is no place for
> private quarrels or neuroses.
> ---
> sorry for my bad english, etc, I'm new to freebsd/unix/bla etc,
> blubblubblub,
> a very disappointed bsd fan
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