Vaclav Haisman wrote:
> > man 2 abort
> >
> > -- Terry
> logout ~/tmp>man 2 abort
> No entry for abort in section 2 of the manual
> Besides, this doesn't explain anything. I see I haven't asked any question in
> my previous post. So, why does FreeBSD behave different?

Because POSIX mandates that it do so?

man 3 signal tells us:

     The handled signal is unblocked when the function returns and the process
     continues from where it left off when the signal occurred.  Unlike previ-
     ous signal facilities, the handler func() remains installed after a sig-
     nal has been delivered.

If you want this to not happen, you should explicitly uninstall the
handler, or you should call abort(3) (or _exit(2), if you don't want
to leave a core dump).

-- Terry

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