On 2003-02-28 07:52, Terry Lambert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Wes Peters wrote:
> > No, but your editor really ought to be able to interpret tab stops
> > correctly at like 0.5 in increments.  Code editors on the Mac have
> > been doing this for years.
> If editors like this were more common, it would be a lot easier to
> justify use of proportional fonts in coding editors.  I don't think
> anyone really cares how many characters there are after a tabstop,
> so long as the visual layout is uniform to the left of the code.  If
> you use indentation, this still works, no mater what your font, as
> long as there are fixed indentations per tab (IMO).

True, true.  The printouts of code created with literate programming
tools like tangle/weave and their many offsprings are very easy to
read if indentation has constant width.

The font of the program text isn't really important, as long as
nesting isn't horribly broken by someone who typed the wrong number
of spaces instead of just hitting tab.


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