On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 08:51:29PM +0100, Borje Josefsson wrote:
[snip scenario]
> The hosts are connected directly (no LAN equipment inbetween) to high 
> capacity backbone routers (10 Gbit/sec backbone), and are approx 1000 
> km/625 miles(!) apart. Measuring RTT gives:
> RTTmax = 20.64 ms. Buffer size needed = 3.69 Mbytes, so I add 25% and set:
> sysctl net.inet.tcp.sendspace=4836562 
> sysctl net.inet.tcp.recvspace=4836562
> MTU=4470 all the way.
> OS = FreeBSD 4-STABLE (as of today).
> **** Now the problem:
> The receiver works fine, but on the *sender* I run out if CPU (doesn't 
> matter if host a or host b is sender). Measuring bandwidth with ttcp gives:
> ttcp-t: buflen=61440, nbuf=30517, align=16384/0, port=5001  tcp
> ttcp-t: 1874964480 bytes in 22.39 real seconds = 638.82 Mbit/sec +++
> ttcp-t: 30517 I/O calls, msec/call = 0.75, calls/sec = 1362.82
> ttcp-t: 0.0user 20.8sys 0:22real 93% 16i+382d 326maxrss 0+15pf 9+280csw
> This is very repeatable (within a few %), and is the same regardless of 
> which direction I use.
> During that period, the sender shows:
> 0.0% user,  0.0% nice, 94.6% system,  5.4% interrupt,  0.0% idle

I had something vaguely similar happen while I was porting the FreeBSD
4.2 networking stack to LynxOS. It turned out the culprit was sbappend().
It does a linear pointer chase down the mbuf chain each time you do
a write() or send(). With a high bandwidth-delay product, that chain
can get very long.

This topic came up on freebsd-net last July, and Luigi Rizzo provided
the following URL for a patch to cache the end of the mbuf chain, so
sbappend() stays O(1) instead of O(n).


The subject of the July thread was 'the incredible shrinking socket', if
you want to hunt through the archives.

Hope this helps.


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