At 10:15 AM -0800 3/21/03, Tim Kientzle wrote:
On Thu Mar 20, 2003, Brandon D. Valentine wrote:

I need to recursively merge two directories of source files in
which I wish to preserve some original files, install some
replacement files outright, and only actually go to the trouble
of sdiff(1)ing those files that from the preview udiff look like
they are need of a merge.

One feature I've long wanted to see in mergemaster is the ability
to install an entire directory at a pop, without having to manually
inspect every single entry in that directory.  A good example
is /etc/rc.d/ .   I would really like to be told

 /var/tmp/temproot/etc/rc.d/ and /etc/rc.d/ have 17 differing files.
 (I)nstall, (D)elete, or (R)ecursively examine? [R]

Then I could hit 'I' and update all of /etc/rc.d at once.

At times I've asked Doug about some kind of pattern-support in ~/.mergemasterrc, where the user could specify filename-patterns of files where they want the default action to be "install" instead of "leave for later". There are pros and cons with that idea, but that's what I was thinking of for the directories you describe.

Doug has suggested that people could maybe do things with the
MM_PRE_COMPARE_SCRIPT, for special processing like this.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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