Ok, I've decided that my binary security updates code is now release-worthy. Right now I'm only building updates for 4.7-RELEASE; as soon as 4.8-RELEASE comes out I'll start building updates for that as well.
Note that this code only works properly if you performed a binary install of the -RELEASE and have not recompiled anything (ie, haven't applied any updates since October), so theoretically nobody should be using this until after 4.8 is released.
Everything is at http://www.daemonology.net/freebsd-update/ including a portified version of the client and the resulting package. MD5 hashes are dac0f4bdf3d23b642bcbbac0e544821e, 12f69c9d0a2bf1f5278e49f0a4821aa7, b96bfc6bffcbfa18130250e36e6109d6, and 227819b9403a6f727566bd6ad5a79684 for server, client, client port, and client package respectively.

Feedback is welcome. ;)

Colin Percival
PS. This is probably of interest to people reading stable@ as well, but that would apparently constitute excessive cross-posting.

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