On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 01:16:26PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> (sorry about cross-posting this question. not sure which list is better)
> I want to to know how to create a ram file system for /var and /tmp so
> that i can boot from flash memory and mount those two file systems on
> ramfs. I've looked for howto's online but haven't found anything. any
> suggestions????


man vnconfig
man vn

I mount a swap backed fs (which I what I suspect you want) with:

vnconfig -e -s labels -S ${vn_tmp_size} ${vn_tmp_device} && \
disklabel -r -w ${vn_tmp_device} auto && \
newfs /dev/${vn_tmp_device}c > /dev/null  && \
mount -o nosuid -o nodev /dev/${vn_tmp_device}c /tmp && \
chmod 1777 /tmp

N.B. I don't reserve the blocks on swap, which again is what I think you

Good luck.

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