On Sat, Jul 19, 2003 at 08:48:40AM -0700, LLeweLLyn Reese wrote:
> Valentin Nechayev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> [snip]
> > 8. Disable all processes except sshd and run the following (saying generally):
> > 
> >    for D in /bin /sbin /etc /boot /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/lib /usr/libexec \
> >             /usr/libdata /usr/share /usr/local /var/db
> >    do
> >        mv ${D} ${D}5
> >        mv ${D}4 {D}
> >    done
> [snip]
> Once you mv /usr/lib /usr/lib5, dynamicly linked executables will be
>     broken, until you mv /usr/lib4 /usr/lib (I think). I think it
>     would be a good idea check every tool you think you might need,
>     and build a staticly linked executable if the existing executable
>     isn't. Most of what you need will be staticly linked by default,
>     but e.g. sshd, ftp, find, vim, are not. (If all goes as planned,
>     you won't need any of those while /usr/lib is being moved, but
>     ... ) (Caveat: this isn't based on experience with freebsd, it's
>     based experience with linux boxen, where *everything* is typically
>     staticly linked, unless someone rebuilt tools.)

This thought occurred to me too; actually, you could get around this
problem by rebuilding the whole FreeBSD base system with purely static
binaries.  This could be done by putting NOSHARED=yes in /etc/make.conf,
then going through the buildworld/buildkernel/installkernel/installworld
dance.  You might have to do this for your 5.x world, reboot with the
statically-linked binaries (just in case), build the 4.x world with
NOSHARED=yes before the downgrade, do the downgrade (without having to
worry about any dynamic libs), then, when the 4.x system is working
(hopefully), rebuild the 4.x world without the NOSHARED=yes setting.

Note that a NOSHARED world tends to take up quite a bit more space :)


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