> On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 02:04, Terry Lambert wrote: 
> There's a wide range of options, from the expensive to the free
> online stuff.  At the high end, we have:
> $1300 https://www.mckusick.com/courses/introorderform.html
> $1500 https://www.mckusick.com/courses/advorderform.html
Sadly, he doesn't teach these classes anymore (due to lack of students),
and I don't live anywhere near there. Also, the price is indeed

> At the low end, we have things like:
>       http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/index.html
Yes, I have read what I believe are the relevant sections of the normal
handbook, I spent the time while 5.1 was installing to read it.

>       http://www.vsi.ru/library/Programmer/fbsdkern/
Nice to know, the information in the Developer's Handbook seems to be
far more recent and thorough although admittedly PCI DMA information is
currently out of date according to the document.

> You could also look at the "Blue Prints" column at the web site
>       http://www.daemonnews.org/
Yes, I read the entire Blue Prints column there. Great information on
the basic kernel / userland interface architecture.

> There is also a "new users" section there:
>       http://www.daemonnews.org/new2bsd/
I read all of the articles in the Getting Started and Basic Skills
categories today. The rest of the articles mainly deal with basic system
configuration which should prove helpful as a reference should I ever
need it.

Well, I must thank you for all the various references to information
that has certainly proved informative and helpful. I will continue to
peruse the mailing list archives and finish reading the developer's
handbook (of which I am almost done reading, although admittedly I did
skip the IPV6, ISA, SCSI, USB chapters, as they do not currently
interest me).

I can't believe I never spotted the Developer's Handbook before.


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