On Sat, Aug 02, 2003 at 12:50:41PM -0700, pat bey wrote:
> First I would like to know where I can buy a copy of the FreeBSD Developer's 
> Handbook.
> Nice to have a handbook that I can hold in my hand.
> Secondly, What can I find a list of other interrupts within FreeBSD like the int 
> 80h.  Or is this the only interrupt. Like example interrupt for video stuff, disk 
> access ....etc. .etc

FreeBSD doesn't use interrupt vectors for that sort of thing; it's not DOS.
You should always use the system calls for manipulating shared resources.

It is possible to call the video BIOS under certain circumstances from
a user process, but this is done through a v86 monitor, whilst in v86 mode;
but generally, you should use the syscons(4) driver or Xlib if you wish to
use graphics.

The Developer's Handbook covers most of these topics.

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