On Wed, Nov 12, 2003 at 05:00:54PM +0200, Peter Pentchev wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2003 at 06:01:55PM +0100, Reinier Kleipool wrote:
> > Hello,
> > 
> >   I am investigating the possiblilies for looking at the kernel boot
> > parameters from within a userland utility. (Possibly a new FreeBSD install
> > facility) The idea is that by looking at sysctl kern.environment.* you
> > should be able to see the BTX variables. An install program could use this
> > to see an INSTALL_SERVER=install.company.com variable (etc...) to use as
> > install server. The BTX loader could provide these variables at install boot
> > time, thus enableing fully automated installs.
> [snip]
> > My question is this: When looking at kern/kern_environmet.c I see routines
> > that install a SYSCTL_NODE kern.environment. The sysctl_kernenv routine
> > handles this node. What I do not understand is how the environment is
> > returned from this routine.
> Take a look at the kenv(1) utility - its source is in the
> src/usr.bin/kenv/kenv.c file.

Errr, of course, if you're working with FreeBSD 5.x after 2003/01/20,
that would be src/bin/kenv/kenv.c :)


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