At 12:41 PM -0500 12/8/03, Damian Gerow wrote:
Thus spake Garance A Drosihn ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [06/12/03 03:31]:
 From the above description, it sounds like you are running
 on a 5.1 system, and you are trying to compile a 5.2 kernel.
 Is this true?

 If the system you are on is 5.1, then you are going to have
 to do a 'make buildworld' of the 5.2-source before you can
 do a 'make buildkernel' of a 5.2 kernel.

It's not clear from what you're saying, but will this cause problems with the statfs stuff? I've been under the impression that a 5.1->5.2 upgrade requires me to build and boot a new kernel before I can install a new world -- it's not clear if you're saying I need to build /and install/ a new world before building a kernel, or if I just need to build world...

My comments were not trying to cover the installation steps. All I said was that you have to do a BUILDworld before you do a BUILDkernel, because it sounded to me like you might have been building a 5.2 kernel without doing any matching buildworld.

You can get through the statfs changes by following the
standard recommended build&install order.  The standard
recommended order is:
    make buildworld
    make buildkernel
    make installkernel
      <reboot into single user mode>
    mergemaster -p
    make installworld
      <reboot into nicely-upgraded system>

Many developers have gotten away with shortening this list,
or with an alternate order.  For the statfs change, it is
particularly important that the proper order be followed.
For this change, you really need to do that installkernel
and *reboot* before doing the installworld.

  <depressing aside>
Oh, and due to a small-but-significant bug in one of the
makefiles, you would be well advised to make sure that you
do not set the 'DISTDIR' variable.  You might have that set
in /etc/make.conf, expecting it to be used by the *ports*
collection.  Right now there is a problem where it is also
checked during installworld, and the makefile will not do
the right thing if that is set.  We hope to have that
sorted out very soon...

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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