On Thu, Jan 08, 2004 at 06:36:42PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> # [EMAIL PROTECTED] / 2004-01-07 23:17:31 -0800:
> > On Wed, Jan 07, 2004 at 09:08:38PM +0100, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> > 
> > >     The ports freeze seems to last too long with recent releses. Or
> > >     maybe it's just I've gotten more involved, but out of the last four
> > >     months (2003/09/07-today), ports tree has been completely open
> > >     for whopping 28 days.
> > 
> > That might be technically true, but it's misleading and doesn't
> > support the point you're trying to make.  During this period the ports
> > collection has only been frozen for a couple of weeks, and the
> > majority of commit activities were not restricted for the rest of the
> > period in question.
>     That might be technically true, but the precise semantics of
>     "(semi-)freeze" aren't as widely known as you seem to think.
>     E. g. yesterday or today I received an email from a committer in
>     response to my two mails to ports@ (the first urging a repocopy
>     requested in a PR some time ago, the other retracting the request
>     because of the freeze) saying (paraphrased) "to my surprise I was
>     told repocopies are allowed during freeze".  Some people just prefer
>     to err on the safe side.

Repo-copies are not allowed during the freeze, but are any other time.

> > >     Porter's handbook, and FDP Primer, while valuable (esp. the former)
> > >     leave many questions unanswered.  (I'm not going to further this
> > >     rant, but will gladly provide feedback to anyone who asks.)
> > 
> > I would have thought the procedure to rectify this would be obvious:
>     The procedure really is obvious, but there's only so much time in a
>     day.
>     Also, I would have thought the Porter's handbook would e. g. contain
>     info on preventing installation of .la files (I gathered from the
>     ports@ list that they shouldn't be installed), isn't this lack quite
>     obvious?

No, please raise this on the ports list.


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