On Thursday 29 January 2004 03:49 pm, Bjoern A. Zeeb wrote:
> Hi,
> how do you all sync your "local tree" with HEAD ?
> How do you store your changes locally ? cvs ? directory of patches ?
> Up to now I have copied a clean src and applied my patchset. This way
> I always have a clean src and a working copy here. But apart from the
> IO when copying I do not feel too lucky with this solution.
> Some best practice examples - or did I miss an article ?

I always cvsup the entire repo rather than just a checkout of src and then use 
cvs to checkout /usr/src from my repo on all my boxes.  As long as the 
changes are simple, cvs will merge changes in w/o any major problems.  For 
bigger projects I have been using branches in the FreeBSD p4 depot to 
maintain changes for the past few years.  p4 does a much better job than CVS 
of mergning in changes from HEAD into my work branches as well as letting me 
merge things between work branches.

John Baldwin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  <><  http://www.FreeBSD.org/~jhb/
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