Anyone with a bit of NIS saviness care to help me?  I've got a FBSD5.2
machine that is connected to a larger network of suns and linux boxen.
Accounts are coordinated via yellow pages and I've managed to get the
FBSD box's NIS setup so that I can log in as one of those users.

The problem is that it appears that I can't SU to root from a user that
exists in the NIS map, but not locally.  I've added that user to
/etc/group (wheel) but I get:

    phoenix:~  su root
    su: Sorry
    phoenix:~  id
    uid=9876(jlk23) gid=20(staff) groups=20(staff), 0(wheel), 14(sysadmin)
    phoenix:~  grep jlk23 /etc/group 
    phoenix:~  ypcat passwd | grep jlk23
    jlk23:XXXX:9876:20:Joe Karthauser:/users/jlk23:/local/bin/tcsh

Any ideas?

Josef Karthauser ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
FreeBSD (cvs meister, admin and hacker)
Physics Particle Theory (student)
================ An eclectic mix of fact and theory. =================

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