On Wed,  3 Mar 2004 17:03:40 +0100 (CET) you wrote:

> I've been on the question list for some time, and I have noticed
> that many people do not know how to get sound support up and
> running in FreeBSD 5.X. I know that re-compiling the kernel is easy
> enough, but there are still people not willing to do so, as I have
> noticed on the list. Therefor I thought it might be an idea to put
> sound support in the GENERIC kernel configuration, so that newbies
> will no longer find themselves stuck with that.

I think I've read more than one time about problems fitting the
installation on the 1.44M floppies.

Definitely a bikeshed discussion but adding to the documentation
regarding kldload or a knob in sysinstall to turn on all sound
modules is preferable to adding to the kernel.

Best regards,

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