Please don't crosspost.
I don't think this is a topic for -current, so I've removed it.

On Mon, Mar 29, 2004 at 11:05:55AM +0900, Ganbold wrote:
>  10198 new      CALL  setuid(0)
>  10198 new      RET   setuid -1 errno 1 Operation not permitted

Your attempt to setuid(0) failed.

>  10198 new      CALL  execve(0x80485d0,0xbfbfed8c,0xbfbfed94)
>  10198 new      NAMI  "/home/new/"
>  10198 new      RET   execve -1 errno 13 Permission denied

Your attempt to run that perl script failed.

> -rwsr-x---  1 root  new     4651 Mar 26 08:47 new
> ----------  1 root  wheel     94 Mar 26 08:47 new.c
> -r-x------  1 root  wheel  15430 Mar 25 15:16

Well, since your attempt to setuid(0) failed, `` is not being
execve()'d as root. Therefore, the permissions on the `` file are
such that it can't be read or executed by the user/process.

Sean Kelly          | PGP KeyID: D2E5E296

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