On Sat, May 08, 2004 at 09:56:06PM -0700, Brian O'Shea wrote:
>However, CVS branch tags only appear to be listed for versions as
>far back as RELENG_2_2_0_RELEASE.  Does anybody know if earlier
>versions are accessible via cvsup?

CVSup just uses CVS tags so you can pull down the code associated with
any tag in the repository.  The /usr/ncvs repository includes all the
FreeBSD releases back to RELEASE_2_0 (and prior 2.x development).  A
quick way to check the tags that are available would be to look at
http://cvsweb.freebsd.org/src/ and look at the "show only tag" pull-
down at the bottom of the page.

As part of the BSD vs AT&T settlement, all the *BSD releases had
to move to the 4.4BSD/lite distribution.  In the case of FreeBSD,
1.x was "encumbered" and had to be expunged from the repository.
FreeBSD 2.x was developed from 4.4BSD/lite in a separate CVS
repository (hence the 'n').

Since SCO (in a previous incarnation) released the old Unix source
code, the FreeBSD 1.x repository could probably now be legally
made available.  A number of FreeBSD old-timers have admitted to
still having copies of the 1.x repository but I don't know that
anyone has put it up on the WEB.  (Even if the FreeBSD project
doesn't want to put it up, I suspect The Unix Historical Society
would be happy to add it to their archives).

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