Hi Robert,

As promised my findings regarding the changes; just came home after a night
of trying and praying :)

> Actually, by default, most mutexes in the system are sleep mutexes, so
> they sleep on contention rather than spinning.  In some cases, this
> actually hurts more than spinning, because if the mutex is released
> quickly by the holder, then you pay the context switches which cost
> more than spinning for the short period of time.
> You might want to try adding "options ADAPTIVE_MUTEXES" to your kernel
> configuration, which will cause mutexes to spin briefly on SMP systems
> before sleeping, and has been observed to improve performance quite a
> bit.

I tried this; this helps performance a lot, here are the findings:
 - under all conditions turning on HTT helps a *lot* (which is logical i
 - under non killing load (killing load = load where server would have
crashed without this option) it performs much much better
 - under killing load it performs a lot better, up until a certain level:
 - a new killing level: from this point onward basically the same thing
happens as before..

What i'm guessing is that probably this new killing level occurs when load
is so high that the spins 'adapt' into blocks. From your description above I
understand that there's a certain timeout when 'spinning' mutexes turn into
'blocking'/'sleeping' mutexes. Is there a way to set this timeout ? I would
very much like to try out what would happen if one would set this timeout to
a quite high value.

Appart from this i also tried options ZERO_COPY_SOCKET, but that didnt seem
to help much, if at all.

Furthermore I tried out SCHED_ULE which was dramatic! I'm not sure if i'm
the only one, but the performance was really terrible. i switched it off
again as soon as i could.

Also what I was wondering: do processes that go into sleep-mutex mode go
into the same waiting queue as normal processes, or do they go into a
special queue?
Could this problem basically boil down to a scheduler being to slow (or the
context switching) for these amounts of processes waiting/blocking ? If so
could it be an idea to put blocking processes into a special queue in which
the scheduler adepts simple scheduling algorithm (such as first come first
serve, or random, or whatever) to dramatically reduce rescheduling time ?

Best Regards,
Ali Niknam

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