Garance A Drosihn wrote:
At 3:46 PM -0600 6/6/04, Scott Long wrote:

At this point, I'm going to advocate that Alpha be dropped from Tier-1 status for 5.3 and 5-STABLE and no longer be a blocking item for releases. ... As I said back then, demotion is not a terminal condition, and I would be thrilled if someone comes forward in the future and brings the platform back up to date.

I think you have to officially demote it, with emphasis on the
point that "demotion is not a terminal condition".  Then, if some
developer(s) show up and implement all the missing pieces, we
can happily announce it back in tier 1.

But for now, say that it *IS* demoted.  Not that you're advocating
that we think about maybe demoting it in the future unless someone
offers to start looking into the missing pieces.

At the moment, it probably also makes sense to demote sparc64,
even though I own one of those.  Not that we have anything against
it, but as a practical matter we haven't hit "critical mass" on it
just yet.  Since I am interested in sparc64, I can take that as a
goal to help make it a tier-1 platform by 5.4-release...

Ok, thanks for all of the input. I'm going to wait a few more days for anyone else to chime in and then discuss it with re@ and [EMAIL PROTECTED] We'll likely have a formal announcement in a week.

Back to the topic at hand, who is looking that the other KSE issues?

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