I have recently set up FreeBSD on a Dell Inspiron 4600 and the wireless keyboard/mouse package that came with it has had 2 issues so far:

--The keyboard tends to repeat letters when I type rapidly, but they don't repeat next to each other insead, one character apart. example: I type "www.freebsd.org" and what may come out on the screen "www.frfeebsds.como" It doesnpt always affect all the letters, and it seems that some, like 'a' and 'o' tend to repeat more often.

--The mouse isn't recognised at all. The reciever hub is recognised (same as for keyboard), but the mouse doesn't act at all. Right now I am running a USB optical mouse, and my wireless is sitting off to the side, but it would be nice if I could get it back.

Those are the problems, one other "issue" but not one that is annoying is that the reciever/hub is recognised as a logitec hub, not as a dell one. this may be because dell bought the logitech one and just redid the exteriors, but I thought it was odd that they wouldn't change things up...especially after seeing the way they messed with the SBLive!


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