"Bagus" wrote:
>  Hi, is anyone able to help me problem solve on this? Is this the right
> forum for this kind of question? If not, could someone please send me a
> pointer to an organization that might be able to help. I have a small budget
> to get this fixed if anyone wants it.
>  I'm running FreeBSD 2.2CAM-19980716-SNAP on bagus.org.
>  I've been running it for a few years. Recently, after normal performance,
>  I've been experiencing extremely slow login prompt appearance, extremely
>  slow application launching and what bugs me the most is the extremely slow
>  response time of my java-web server. OTher functionality is ok. It serves
>  html files just fine and also basic command line response is fine.
>  Anyone out there have any clues as to what it could be? I'm kind
>  of guessing  it has something to do with some name resolution somewhere,
>  but I'm not sure. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Consider upgrading to 4.10-RELEASE, 
  while you'r doing that, you may resolve some old issues (caution,
  we abandoned a few thing between 2 & 4, such as one old scsi
  controller I used to have, Future domain something 85 as I recall).
  I sympathise with "never touch a running system" but 2.2 is
  Seriously ancient !  
-SNAP was for testing, not for production.  Use releases for long term
bases if you want to install freeze & forget. Could be no one else
even runs your ancient particular version :-)

If you'r running such seriously ancient software, maybe you'r also
running ancient hardware ?  eg I have a loose co-axial 10M ethernet
connection somewhere, periodically makes my internal net go `sticky'
(Well yes, Ive got a 100 Switch, but it's got a loud fan :-)

There's tools in /usr/ports/sysutils/ for net performance &
packet sniffing etc.  Also in 4.9-RELEASE & 5.2-RELEASE there's 
man netstat 
     The netstat command symbolically displays the contents of various net-
     work-related data structures.  
man sysstat

Julian Stacey.  Unix,C,Net & Sys. Eng. Consultant, Munich.  http://berklix.com
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