> On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 10:31:57AM -0500, Sam wrote:
> > Let's suppose you generate an exabyte of storage per year.  Filling a 
> > 64-bit filesystem would take you approximately 8 million years.

I suggest that you review your calculations.

> > I'm not saying we'll never get there,
> > It's a_single filesystem_.  If you want another 8192 ZB, just make another.

A goal for ZFS is to eliminate that kind of nonsense.

On Thu, Sep 16, 2004, Kris Kennaway wrote:
> The detectors in the particle accelerator at Fermilab produce raw data
> at a rate of 100 TB/sec (yes, 100 terabytes per second).  They have to
> use a three-tiered system of hardware filters to throw away most of
> this and try to pick out the events that might actually be
> interesting, to get it down to a "slow" data rate of 100 MB/sec that
> can actually be written out to storage.  If the hardware and software
> was up to it I'm sure they'd want to keep much more of the data than
> this.
> Now, over a year of runtime, the raw data amounts to (according to
> Google Calculator):
> (100 (terabytes / sec)) * 1 year = 3.4697207 10^21 bytes
> or just over 2^71 bytes in a year.

A UC Berkeley study has some interesting statistics on total
storage sold per year, including a breakdown by medium:


They place the total storage sold in 2003 at 2^68 bytes and the
amount of original data produced at 2^62 bytes.
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