Hello Sirs,
           First thank you all for making such an
beautiful, robust and elegant OS. I have a dream....to
make worlds best free bsd based desktop system in the
world .....but why do I want that (freebsd does great
on servers ...and why do we need this ?) ..Bcos
billions of people who desktop system have no real
choice ...they are stuck with M$ and further confused
by hundreds of linux variants......they need a
which is also easy to manage centrally in a cooperate
environments has binary compatibilities , SECURE and
Virus free . I think freebsd provides this ......after
all MAc OS X is based on it.... i also went to drawin
+ gnu drawin site ...failed to find anything
interesting (and confusing license)

I think we should have a elegant graphical install
graphical install ->> can we boot from bootable CD
(lik e knoppix) and then run a install program (which
maybe web(from the bootable cd)/perl-gtk script based
GUI software for easy install....this will allow us to
easily install the system with out low level
Easy Management(scallable to thousands of system)->p2p
based software distribution system like bittorent or
jaxta to pull heavy software package then use port
ystem to finally install  
Centrall Administration & policies -> Samba + Openldap
+ phpLDAPadmin + policies (???)
Autonomic healing - ???
Stateless BSD (like redhats stateless linux project) 

I know my dream is worth while .....one day people
will use freeBsd variant as thier desktop ...which
will never crash nor complain

I have a dream .....it called MyBSD (most easy to use
, friendly freeBSD based desktop in the world and
administrator’s delight  )

Pl give your feedback/ suggestions / hate mails 

BSD Romeo 

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