On Tue, 18 Jan 2005, Bruce M Simpson wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 18, 2005 at 11:45:05AM +0100, - Felix - wrote:
> > Doing lot of syscalls interrupts in a soft seems to take quite a long time, 
> > and seriously slow performances. As far as you can't reduce the syscall 
> > amount, is there any way to run apps in kernel mode, in order to call 
> > sysfonctions directly ? Perhaps by re-writing softs in kernel modules ?
> For 95% of applications syscall overhead shouldn't have a major impact on
> performance. It's difficult to offer any real advice here because you haven't
> said what the application is, or shown any profiling figures.

Even if the application were run as a kernel module, how much of a
performance benefit could there be when making system calls?  I suspect
that the module would get a higher scheduling priority but realistically
wouldn't the module still have to make system calls in the same manner
that a regular user process does?  I really don't know, so would some kind
soul tell me please?

-Zera Holladay
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