I have stared with fascination on this email for a full 30 minutes.

What could possibly be going on in the mind which came up with the
idea to take a five year old email, change Matt Dillons name and
repost it to our mailing list ?

In some weird way I feel honoured to have made such an impact on
this persons life that they would go to such bother.

And equally fascinating is the thought there is a town somewhere
in the world, where this derailed mind sneaks out at night to
spray-paint obscene things about me on walls I'll never see.

The mind boggles...

"To a person sitting in darkness" is a famous piece by Mark Twain
and I can never attempt to match it, but nontheless:

        To a troll sitting in darkness:

        I don't doubt you have reason to hate me, and I doubt you
        will open your mind and listen to what I say to you, but
        I will say it anyway, that is the least I can do in return
        for your effort:

        On a day where the only real newspaper in Europe broke the
        news that we have a decade or less to do something about
        global warming, while the rest of the press still dithers
        about which catastrophe Bush is going to unleash first in
        his second term.

        One a day where 14 people were killed by snowstorms, in the
        USA and thousands died from AIDS and you took the effort
        to curse my name in the most circumspect manner.

        There are so many other ways you could have used your time.

        You could have written code or documentation, you could
        have listened to music, played it yourself, read a good
        book maybe ?

        You could have offered an elderly neighbor help with
        something, you could have given a helping hand in a local
        shelter or played with the kids in the park, just for the
        sheer heck of it.

        You could have gone all the way and signed up to some cause
        worthy of a whole life of dedication: religion, emergency
        response, medicine, education or the toughest of all,

        You did not.

        You mananged this day to locate a five year old email from
        me to Matt Dillon, and for some reason which we cannot even
        imagine the depth off, it upset you a LOT.

        And your anger gave you energy.

        And the energy inpired you to do something!

        You would right this wrong!

        And you came up with the most diabolic scheme to transpose
        all of the anger and frustration away from your own miserable
        life and onto me, by changing Matt Dillons name and repost
        it to our mailing lists.

        I can almost tell how good that felt for you.

        You are forgiven,


In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Saul Bloom" writes:
>>>    tries to use them directly.  PXE sounds cool, but coolness doesn't
>>>    count unless all the motherboard manufacturers start using it.
>>Please try to do as Mike says, it would save a lot of time and windmills
>>if you would check the facts rather than keep arguing your unfounded
>>Poul-Henning Kamp             FreeBSD coreteam member
>>[EMAIL PROTECTED]               "Real hackers run -current on their laptop."
>   Go fly a kite, Poul.  I'm not interesting in listening to your spouting
>   off any more.
>     -Saul
>     Saul Bloom 
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Poul-Henning Kamp       | UNIX since Zilog Zeus 3.20
[EMAIL PROTECTED]         | TCP/IP since RFC 956
FreeBSD committer       | BSD since 4.3-tahoe    
Never attribute to malice what can adequately be explained by incompetence.
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