On Thu, 10 Mar 2005 09:19:10 -0500, Michael W. Lucas
> On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 12:38:43PM +0100, Jeremie Le Hen wrote:
> But the mere existence of even a basic regression test would be a
> start and would encourage people to not hose things further.
> Folks, don't let the fact that you're not a guru stop you from taking
> a kiddie step and submitting a basic test!

I do use unionfs on daily basis. Mostly to union $home/bin directories and
such. For the last 1.5y I had it crash only 2 times. Of course trying
to unmount /bin
will turn into hell. I've used it successfully with pdumpfs from ports
to restore
old filespace view.  I surely think that a stable unionfs will be a
good thing (tm).

Erez's unionfs has the same problem, the case there is that you wont be able to
unmount it at all. (At least last time I tried with 1.0.3)

Problem or not it could be easily solved with simple heuristics.
Building a filespace
with unioning shouldnt really  be that hard.

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