junk wrote:

>c0ldbyte wrote:
>>On Sun, 13 Mar 2005, junk wrote:
>>>>I have a script that works fine from command line.
>>>>But when I run it from cron , its not displaying all the info.
>>>>Looks like cron is limiting the char length.
>>>>example from script ran by cron:
>>>>root    54313  0.0  0.2  1024  720  ??  S     3:20PM   0:00.00 cron:
>>>>running jo
>>>>example from script ran by command line:
>>>>root    54313  0.0  0.2  1024  720  ??  S     3:20PM   0:00.00 cron:
>>>>running job (cron)
>>>>Any way to make cron use more buffer?
>>Have the script mail the output to you instead of having cron do it.
>>That might change how the output reads.
>Emailing the output shows the same thing.

The script thats being ran by cron does a 'ps x |grep test.pl'.  and
prases the output from test.pl, but since cron is limiting the char
length, its not parsing the output right.

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