On Thursday, 17 March 2005 at 19:33:50 +0300, Roman Kurakin wrote:
> Hi,
> I was unable to refrain from posting this :-)
> int i;main(){for(;i["]<i;++i){--i;}"];read('-'-'-',i+++"hell\
> o, world!\n",'/'/'/'));}read(j,i,p){write(j/p+p,i---j,i/i);}

There used to be a whole culture of this sort of thing.  My favourite
one is an anagram generator:

#include <stdio.h> 

long a
typedef struct f{long g
,h,i[4]    ,j;struct f*k;}f;f g,*
l[4096               ]; char h[256],*m,k=3;
                     long n     (o, p,q)long*o,*p,*q;{
                     long r               =4,s,i=0;for(;r--;s=i^
                     *o^*p,                         i=i&*p|(i|*p)&~*o++,*q
                     ++=s,p                         ++);return i;}t(i,p)long*p
                     ;{*c=d               [i],n(a,c,b),n(p,b,p);}u(j)f*j;{j->h
                     =(j->g     =j->i[0]|j->i[1]|j->i[2]|j->i[3])&4095;}v(
j,s)f*               j; {int i; for(j->k->k&&v(j->k, ' '),fseek(
stdin,     j->j, 0);i=getchar(),putchar(i-'\n'?i:s),i-
'\n';);}w(o,r,j,x,p)f*o,*j;long p;{f q;int 
(s=r&~i)?(s|=s>>1, s|=s
      x||(j->g&~o->g)||n                              (o->i,j->i,q.i)||(
    u(&q), q.j=j                                              ->j,q.g?w(&q
   ,r,j->k,x                                                      ,p):v(&q,
  '\n'));                                                            }}y(){f
 j;char                                                                *z,*p;
for(;m                                                                  ? j.j=
ftell(                                                                  stdin)
,7,(m=                       gets(m                                     ))||w(
&g,315                       *13,l[                                     4095]
 ,k,64*                      64)&0:                                    0;n(g
  .i,j.i,                    b)||(u                                 (&j),j.
   k=l[j.h],l[j.h]= &j,y())){for(z=                             p=h;*z&&(
    d[*z++]||(p=0)););for(z=p?n(j.i                       ,j.i,j.i)+h:"";
  *z;t(*z++,j.i));}}main(o,p)char**              p; {for(;m = *++p;)for(;*m-
'-'?*m:(k= -atoi(m))&0;d[*m]||(d[*m              ]=e,e<<=1),t(*m++,g.i)); u(&

To run it, you need a dictionary such as /usr/share/dict/web2.  For

        gson free software foundation           < /usr/share/dict/web2
        gson obfuscated c contest               < /usr/share/dict/web2
        gson unix international                 < /usr/share/dict/web2
        gson george bush                        < /usr/share/dict/web2
        gson bill clinton                       < /usr/share/dict/web2
        gson ross perot                         < /usr/share/dict/web2
        gson paul e tsongas                     < /usr/share/dict/web2

See complete headers for address and phone numbers.

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