On Mon, Mar 28, 2005 at 01:42:16PM -0500, c0ldbyte wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, mohamed aslan wrote:
> >hi guys
> >it's my first post here, BTW i was a Linux hacker and Linux kernel
> >mailing list member for 3 years.
> >
> >and I've a comment here , i think the freebsd kernel source files
> >aren't well organized as Linux ones.
> Well thats nice, Didnt your mommy say once to you before "If you dont have
> nothing good to say then dont say nothing" ?. Thats not a really detailed
> look into where you think the files are not well organized. Personly I
> think you have had your head stuck in the Linux culture to long to comment
> on anything going on with the Freebsd code or how the system is layed out.

Perhaps you should take a bit of your own advice `c0ldbyte'. I'm 
personally sick of your condescending attitude towards everybody
on the public lists. Cut it out.


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