In the last episode (May 23), Darren Pilgrim said:
> I need to make use of a port during start up, but it has library
> dependencies that aren't available, before the complete library path is
> established.  I've tried the following:
> NO_SHARED=true (added to /etc/make.conf)
> make -DNO_SHARED
> make LDFLAGS+=-static
> Every time, running file on the compiled program tells me that the binary is
> dynamically-linked.  I couldn't find anything else in any man pages, Mk
> files, mailing lists, Google, etc.  Sorry for the semi-inappropriate list
> choice, but this one would get swallowed up on -questions.

NO_SHARED only works on programs that use the makefile
template; I'd guess under a dozen ports do this.

Some pieces of software have dynamic-link options hardcoded in their
Makefiles, probably as a workaround for bugs in other OSes.  Those
options override -static.  I can't think of a valid reason for them to
be used in FreeBSD.  Search for (and remove) any occurances of
-Wl,-Bdynamic and -Wl,-Bstatic , and you should be set.

        Dan Nelson
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