On Jun 1, 15:24, Juergen Unger wrote:
} Subject: Re: snapshots and innds
} Hi !
} I don't know if its may or may not be from the same reason:
} On an 5.4-p1 I started using snapshots on loopback mouted
} files with mdconfig.  First I seems to be all ok but then
} more first one, then more and more processes get stuck in some
} (for me) unknown state and in the end even the start of the
} login shell for the serial console hang.  Since I did not
} know how to look more into detail with this stuck processes
} the only way was to power-cycle.
} What can I do to track down this problem when I am able
} to reproduce it on the my testmachine (which is identical
} except memory to the system where it happend) ?

You will need to compile DDB into your kernel.

When the machine starts getting ill, if you can still run "ps -axl",
and you're seeing this problem, you'll see a bunch of processes with
wchan of "suspfs".

If you can't run ps, hit <Ctrl>+<Alt>+<ESC> on the system
console, and do "ps" there.  The "wmesg" column on a number of
processes/threads will say "suspfs", and somewhere there'll be a
mksnap_ffs waiting on "ufs".

If that's not what it looks like, you're not seeing this problem.
The best choice at that point would be to type "call doadump" at the
DDB prompt to get a kernel dump (going through doadump seems to be
the most reliable way to get a usable dump, at least for me).

Steve Watt KD6GGD  PP-ASEL-IA          ICBM: 121W 56' 57.8" / 37N 20' 14.9"
 Internet: steve @ Watt.COM                         Whois: SW32
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