My guess, and this is a wild one, would be:

All \All\, a. [OE. al, pl. alle, AS. eal, pl. ealle,
     Northumbrian alle, akin to D. & OHG. al, Ger. all, Icel.
     allr. Dan. al, Sw. all, Goth. alls; and perh. to Ir. and
     Gael. uile, W. oll.]
     1. The whole quantity, extent, duration, amount, quality, or
        degree of; the whole; the whole number of; any whatever;
        every; as, all the wheat; all the land; all the year; all
        the strength; all happiness; all abundance; loss of all
        power; beyond all doubt; you will see us all (or all of
        [1913 Webster]


Service(s) : Host(s) : Action

ALL(services(s)) : ALL (Hosts(s)) : Action

On 10/8/05, Chuck Robey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I shouldn't write this while I'm frustrated.  I just hope it doesn't
> leak out, I know I tend to do that.
> I'm having trouble getting my mounts to work with my newly attached
> Zaurus, to my trusty FreeBSD server.  I have gotten past several
> problems, began googling error messages, and hit the /etc/hosts.allow
> file.  Here I've hit a problem.  The file, both the internals of it
> (which is a mass of examples with nearly no explanations) and the man
> page, are either circular definitions, or missing ones, grossly
> missing.  One glaring example, in the man page, the single most commonly
> used token is "ALL" but even though it's used more than any other token,
> it's not defined, even slightly.  What does ALL mean?
> Hmm, howcome security info, which is the most important, is always the
> worst documented, and set up with the most complicated syntax?
> If you MUST use examples, they should only be used to illustrate items
> that have explanations, they should never ever be used as the primary
> explanation.  I can't figure out how to use /etc/hosts.allow.  I'm not
> sure if it is, or is not, affecting my rpcbind.
> Well, you be the judge, did I let my frustration out of the bag this time?
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Paul Halliday

"Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie!" till you can find a rock."
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