On Tuesday 22 November 2005 10:50, Michael C. Shultz wrote:
> How do I close then open stdin and keep it set to the same terminal
> as when it was closed?  Everything I've tried so far has met with failure
> accept this works sort of and I don't get why:
> signal( SIGALRM, MGPMrTimer );
> alarm( 300 ); /* time out in 5 minutes */
> answer        = getc(stdin);
> the signal handler just closes descriptor 0 if a timeout occrs:
> close( 0 )
> then to reset stdin I tried this:
> stdinFileDescriptor = open( "/dev/tty", O_RDWR ) )
> stdin = fdopen( stdinFileDescriptor, "r" );
> and it works in this instance of the program, but
> if a second instance is started the second instance can't
> close stdin.
> I got the above idea from google, what I don't understand though
> is there is no /dev/tty!  So anyone have any suggested books
> I might read or tips so I can learn how to do this right, and understand
> why it works?
> Thank you,
> Mike

Please disregard the previous post, I figured it out, simple solution.


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